You chose: New York

  • Neapoletan Presepe
    Italian presepi -Nativity scenes, that is- come in all shapes, sizes, colors and dimensions. The historic ones in the venerable churches may have over 100 hand-carved figures. In today's presepi, Holy Families, shepherds and sheep may actually be alive - or be made of ice or sand.
  • Facts & Stories
    Francesca Pili(December 13, 2018)
    Alitalia Relaunch. Fabio Maria Lazzerini, Chief Business Officer, met the press at ENIT-Italian National Tourist Board in New York. Talking about the present situation of the Italian airline company and future business developments, the key words are: heading in the right direction. One of the news: Alitalia is launching Washington-Rome route
  • Valeria Golino, always a diva on the red carpet
    Art & Culture
    Chiara Basso(December 12, 2018)
    Interview with the actress and director who presented in New York her second directorial effort, Euphoria. She talks about women and cinema in Italy and confides a desire: winning one day the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival in France. "It took me a long time to do what I wanted to do," she says, "not because I found it difficult as a woman. The problem came from within: I would call it self-censorship."
  • Vice-President of the Council and Minister of the Interior
    Matteo Salvini will shortly visit the United States, he told a crowded hall of foreign journalists at the Foreign Press Association Dec. 10. While calling for regular and regularly controlled immigration, he said, "My priority is the 5 million Italians living in poverty."
  • Marco Pelle, photo credit: Alexo Wandael
    Fatti e Storie
    Francesca Pili(December 10, 2018)
    Vincitore del PrimiDieci USA Awards nel 2016, il coreografo italiano ci racconta la strada percorsa, tra vita e danza, che lo ha portato al successo
  • Arte e Cultura
    Chiara Basso(December 10, 2018)
    Intervista con l'attrice e regista che ha presentato a New York il secondo film da lei diretto, Euforia. Si racconta, parla delle donne ed il cinema, ci confida un suo desiderio: vincere la Palma d’Oro come Regista a Cannes."Ci ho messo molto tempo a fare quello che avrei voluto fare", dice, "non perché ho trovato difficoltà esterne in quanto donna. Il problema veniva da dentro: da donna mi autocensuravo".
  • Kestè Pizzeria lancia a New York la "Pizza Popolare". "Sarò pure un pazzo, ma credo che questo prezzo rispetti la tradizione della pizza napoletana" spiega il pizzaiolo Robero Caporuscio che, insieme alla figlia Giorgia, sfida il mondo della ristorazione newyorkese.
