You chose: The Pizza Diet

  • Mangiare pizza e dimagrire? Si può! Il tutto dipende da quale pizza si mangia, da come viene preparata e in quale ora della giornata la si assume. L’Executive Chef del ristorante Ribalta a New York, Pasquale Cozzolino, riscopre l’antica tradizione mediterranea mettendo al centro della sua dieta il suo piatto preferito: la pizza, rigorosamente napoletana, che se cucinata ad arte è leggera, nutriente e dietetica. Nel suo libro “The Pizza Diet - How I Lost 100 Pounds and You Can Too!”, il pizzaiolo napoletano si racconta e offre la sua dieta con ricette e consigli sul come si deve mangiare per restare in forma.
  • Eat pizza and lose weight? It can be done! It all depends on what pizza you eat, how it’s prepared, and what time during the day it’s eaten. Pasquale Cozzolino, Executive Chef of the New York restaurant Ribalta, rediscovers the ancient Mediterranean tradition, putting his favorite dish at the center of his diet: pizza. This pizza is the typical Neapolitan one–which, if crafted proprly, is light, nutritious, and low in calories. In his book “The Pizza Diet–How I Lost 100 Pounds and You Can Too!,” the Neapolitan pizza maker tells his story and presents his diet with recipes and advice on how one should eat to stay in shape.