Mirrors hold onto a sense of mystery, even if they are everyday objects. Of course, we know that simple science can explain the function of a mirror, but there is an ongoing sense of wonder of what lies within. Is there more than meets the eye?
In Patrizio Travagli [2]’s Mirror, Mirror on the Wall exhibit, spectators become the subject of the piece through the use of mirrors. The human reflection turns into art as illusions, and a seemingly alternate reality are created making us question our own perceptions of what is real and what isn’t. Opening April 10, at the Embassy of Italy in Washington D.C., the power of light and reflection will create an interactive and fantastical experience.
Science and Art
Travagli has done extensive research on physical scientific phenomena related to light. The artist’s use of mirrors as his medium was inspired by the collaboration entitled In-Lusionem [3] with designer Marco De Vincenzo during Pitti Uomo in January 2016.
In his own words: “My artwork aims to lead viewers to rethink their perception of space regardless of the wide variety of techniques I use: painting, sculpture, video, photography and installation…Originating from a rational and scientific place, my intention is to guide spectators on a journey in which their knowledge of space is put to the test, revealing the imperceptible and disclosing new dimensions that stretch towards the infinite.”
In the exhibit there will be various mirrors, handmade in Florence, Italy, with their own reflectivity and color properties. Travagli’s research and work has allowed him to control the dimensions and specific appearances within the reflections creating a personalized experience for the viewer.
More about Patrizio Travagli
Patrizio Travagli graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti in 1993 in Florence, Italy. He is best known for his light installation works where he includes math, science, and architecture in his creative process. The award-winning artist has displayed his galleries all over the world.
For more information, click here>>> [4]
Source URL: http://www.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/art-culture/article/mirror-mirror-wall-science-and-art-in-dc
[1] http://www.iitaly.org/files/20180411mirrorjpg-0
[2] http://www.travagli.it/index.html
[3] http://www.travagli.it/in_lusionem_2016.html
[4] https://iicwashington.esteri.it/iic_washington/en/gli_eventi/calendario/2018/04/mirror-mirror-on-the-wall-by-patrizio.html