Ex-New York City Council Member Dominic M. Recchia (D) is running hard to fill the somewhat dirty shoes of incumbent Congressman Michael Grimm (R) with the avid support of State Senator Diane Savino (D) and Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D). However, I must warn all of the “Ds” that strange things have happened to those unlucky enough to be elected to represent Staten Islanders (and South Brooklyner’s) in Congress ever since la famiglia Molinari) decided they had better things to do with their time. It’s like someone has cast an evil eye (malocchio) on the most conservative seat in New York City.
Recently The New York Times Editorial Board with a rare, almost FoxNewsian, sense of black humor noted that the “Republicans Have a Grimm Problem” [2]
“Representative Michael Grimm, the only Republican in New York City’s congressional delegation, was indicted last week on charges of tax fraud. He insists he is innocent, but these charges come at a particularly bad time for his fellow Republicans. A former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, Mr. Grimm was already in trouble with many voters after he was shown on television threatening to throw a NY1 reporter off a balcony. Now he is accused of operating a restaurant illegally.”
Once upon a time in the good old days of Statenislandia, Republican Party Stalwart Guy Molinari represented it in the U.S. Congress (1983-1989) when he left voluntarily to become Staten Island Borough President. As if by magic, he was replaced in a “special election” by his daughter Susan who, in turn, resigned from office in1997, just after giving the keynote speech at the Republican National Convention. She left to co-host CBS’s Saturday Morning Live. Subsequently she became Google’s top lobbyist and one of Elle’s 10 most influential D.C. women. However, for those who have filled her accursed shoes it’s been all downhill.
When Susan left her dad helped his protégé, Vito Fossella (D, C, RTL), to replace his fair-haired daughter in another “special” election. Vito ran and won as a regular “family values” guy, voting for example to impeach Bill Clinton for his moral turpitude and for the Marriage Protection Act. After four terms mostly agreeing with Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition, Fossella was arreasted while driving drunk on the way to visit his gumada (mistress) and their three-year old child. As to other lapses, Fossella was accused of misusing campaign funds for personal expenses and family vacations, to which he replied honesty “Mistakes have been made.” Advised by his ex-mentor Molinari one might assume, Vito decided not to run for re-election in 2008.
The embarrassed and disgraced Fosella was followed into the ill-fated office by DINO (Democrat in Name Only) Michael McMahon (D?) who spent only one term in Washington (2009-11). Ironically, the Times had endorsed Mike as a “Less-Liberal Democrat” who supported capital punishment as well as offshore drilling. While in office McMahon completed his right-leaning shape-shift and, among other things Republican, voted against what Democrats praise as the “Affordable Obama Care Act,” and Mike’s new friends condemn as “Obamacare.” As The Staten island Advance [3] reported it just before his losing reelection bid: “At first blush, Rep. Michael McMahon said he's yet to see anything in President Barack Obama's revamped health care plan that would make him vote for it. ‘I haven't seen enough to have me come off my 'no' vote,’ ‘I don't see anything that would make me change my position.’" Democrats therefore saw little reason to support him in 2011 and the right-leaning McMahon was followed by a real right-winger and RINO (Republican In Name Only) Michael Grimm.
As another Molinari protégé, Grimm was the perfect conservative candidate to take back the seat. A decorated ex-marine, U.S. Marshall, and FBI undercover agent, he was backed by Sarah Palin, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Tea Party folks. Grimm was victorious over McMahon only to be hoisted by his own Law and Order petard (petardo) by being accused of under-paying his Healthalicious restaurant workers off the books and, even worse, lying about it to Federal officials.
Right now, Grimm’s most likely challenger, Dominic Recchia, is making all the right (centrist) noises on his campaign website [4]:
As a nation, I can’t think of a more important time to have representation in Congress that knows how to come to the table, work with both sides, and get things done. I am a parent to three wonderful daughters and like a lot of parents out there I worry about what will happen if Congress continues to kick the can down the road on the major challenges facing our country. Whether it's the federal deficit, or transforming America's competitive advantage in the world, or rebuilding the middle class, I will use my experience and skillset to be part of the solutions that will shape our future.
Recchia seems to have a good chance of defeating Grimm (or a possible Republican Party replacement) in this coming fall's General Election, but given the fates of the past three “winners” perhaps he should think thrice about it.
Source URL: http://www.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/op-eds/article/rather-grimm-fairytales
[1] http://www.iitaly.org/files/3804011th-cd-300x2391400097638png
[2] http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/opinion/republicans-have-a-grimm-problem.html?smid=fb-share&smv2&_r=0
[3] http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/02/despite_makeover_staten_island.html%20
[4] http://www.recchiaforcongress.com/about