You chose: halloween

  • These are times of pandemic, everything changes. Even these days dedicated to Halloween and other traditions in Italy as in the world. Everything will be different but we need to remember our traditions to continue as soon as everything is over. In all the Italian regions in the days between October 31st and the day of Saint Martin (November 11th) is custom to celebrate the juxtaposition of life and death with numerous events
  • Oggi non parliamo della morte perché o non crediamo nella vita oltre la vita o non abbiamo il coraggio della vita fatta perfino di quotidiana morte e pensiamo di sfuggirla nascondendola a noi stessi.
  • Impazza in rete la condanna della "festa satanica". Ancora non abbiamo imparato la lezione che prima o poi l’ignoranza, passata come pratica religiosa, oltre a generare mostri viene presto smascherata. Un tempo era considerato demoniaco mangiare cioccolata, ballare il tango, censurato da bolla papale come peccato mortale, mangiare carne di maiale costringeva all’inferno, e chi era figlio di macellaio non poteva accedere al ministero sacerdotale dato che il padre si era “macchiato di sangue”. Le donne in mestruo non potevano entrare in chiesa, e i medici che praticavano l’autopsia per la ricerca scientifica venivano scomunicati.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    M. T.(November 06, 2014)
    Located in Chelsea at 546 Avenue of the Americas, Crave It is the perfect place to taste the most delicious Italian “cappuccino and cornetto” ...and much more.,, . Upon entering the shop, your nose picks up the scent of freshly baked cornetti and your eyes bulge at the sight of its beautiful and luminous display cases showcasing a pageantry of pastries
  • Life & People
    Maria Rita Latto(October 27, 2014)
    In all the Italian regions in the days between October 31st and the day of Saint Martin (November 11th) there has been – from time immemorial – the folkloristic custom to celebrate the juxtaposition of life and death with numerous traditions
  • Just a few decades ago Halloween in Italy was merely the name of an American holiday, a sort of Carnevale. Little by little Halloween’s popularity has grown, probably due to the influence of American movies ... But in all the Italian regions in the days between October 31st and the day of Saint Martin (November 11th) there has been – from time immemorial – the folkloristic custom to celebrate the juxtaposition of life and death with numerous traditions