You chose: franceschini

  • Its culture czars hope that in 2015 Italy will finally cash in on its museums, historic archives, Renaissance and Baroque palazzi and archaeological sites. Until now, income from what is the richest single heritage in Europe yields a measly annual net profit of under $37 million. Needless to say, most of the income the heritage generates goes to paying the wages of personnel. Finally, after months of debate, on Dec. 19 Culture Minister Dario Franceschini signed into law a decree to relaunch the heritage sites with more help from private sources.
  • No one will be surprised if the neo-Premier Matteo Renzi runs into a muddy road or two on his way to reviving the Italian government and the country's spirits. While wishing him well, a few traces of mud are already visible. Perhaps he could have paid attention to the detour signs warning of possible problems involving especially two key cabinet posts: the Finance and Culture Ministries.